Baisakhi Celebration 2023

Scholastic and Co-Scholastic activities have an equal importance in school programme for the all round development of the child. Keeping this in view, we at DWPS,Panipat have organised the Fancy Dress Competition for the children. The purpose of conducting the competition was not only to blend learning with fun but also to develop confidence in the students by giving them an opportunity to get on the stage and speak in front of an audience.
Children dressed up in their colourful costumes and spoke a few sentences on the character that they depicted. The effort and hard work of children was highly commendable.
Best dressed up among them were awarded with the title of ‘Best Gabru – Prathmesh Banga and Best Mutiyaar- Navika Mittal’. The aim of this celebration was to bring students closer to the culture and tradition of Punjab. The competition proved to be great learning experience for the students and gave them a platform to explore their hidden talents.